The Beekeeper of aleppo by christy lefteri

When you think of refugees your mind isn’t usually drawn to thinking about their life and humanity before becoming labelled a “refugee” and all the associations that go with that term.

In this book Christy tells a story about Nuri a beekeeper and his wife Afra an artist who go from living a simple life, with family in friends in the beautiful city of Aleppo to finding their home and lives destroyed by war and their subsequent journey to Britain as refugees. It is beautifully written  and is as much about the emotional effects of their journey on them and their relationship than describing the physical journey, although through the telling some  sadly harrowing experiences are brought to light.

Despite its subject and bearing a powerful message about the human condition, it is written in an accessible style with characters you will grow to love as their tale unfolds.

Written by Jo Aitkins